How is Your Metabolism?

Having a healthy metabolism is so much more than just weight. In fact, your metabolism essentially means how efficiently and effectively your body uses energy to maintain optimal health across all systems of your body.

It is time that we stop looking to WEIGHT as the end all be all of health. As women, this can be one of the most challenging things but it is up to us to change the culture and prioritize TRUE HEALTH over being a certain size.

So what does a healthy metabolism look like?

Review the list above. Which side of the list do you fall under? I know that when I thought I was at my “healthiest” I could check off most all the items on the right side (slowing metabolism). If you struggle with a slowing metabolism, here are a few things to start doing today:

1. Eat Enough Calories

For many women who are healing their metabolism, this may look like increasing calories up to 2,400 for a time. Long term, calorie intake between 1,800 – 2,200 is usually enough to maintain a healthy metabolism for most women (but not all).

2. Provide your body with its preferred source of energy – GLUCOSE.

Glucose, aka sugar, from fruit, fruit juices, root vegetables, and honey is very supportive of a burning metabolism. These are the foods that help your body feel safe enough to stop storing energy and start using it!

3. Avoid Toxic Oils (PUFAs)

Canola/Rapeseed oil, corn oil, vegetable oil, soybean oil, nuts and seed oil, sunflower/safflower oil, vegan butter, and margarine are best left on the shelf. Instead prioritize real saturated fats from butter, ghee, coconut oil, animal fats.

4. Consume Bioavailable Protein

Bioavailable protein comes from easy to digest sources of animal protein like bone broth, collagen, gelatin, muscle meats, fish, and dairy. Your body absorbs the protein from these sources and uses them to build and maintain muscle which is needed for a healthy metabolism. Protein found in legumes, grains, and soy are much harder for the body to breakdown and digest leading to slow digestion which in turn can impact your metabolism.

Don’t believe me? Ask yourself this – how is your current diet working for you? It might be time to rethink your diet.


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